5 Ways to boost your immune system in summers

A change in weather conditions can weaken your immune system and fade resistance to germs. Usually, we tend to get sick and catch common illnesses such as cold, diarrhea, or even dengue fever, in the summer season. There are several factors that will help you in improving your health and boosting your immunity during summers, which include eating immunity booster foods, proper sleep, and taking probiotic food. The immune system is considered to be the shield of your body, as it protects you from all kinds of sickness.
Here are some ways you can boost your immune system during summers:
- Enjoy summer fruits and vegetables
Summers are the ideal time to gift your body the nutrients. Not only that we love eating green veggies and juicy fruits in the summer but also they offer protection to our bodies in the season change. Keep your smoothies nourishing by including more berries and spinach, and incorporate mixed greens at lunch and supper. Seasonal fruits and vegetables like orange, mango, kiwi, and broccoli, rich in Vitamin C will help you boost your immune system.

2. Increase Vitamin D Intake
Doctors suggested a portion of 5 micrograms every day. It is advised that you go through 10 to 15 minutes out of every day in the sun, in case you cannot, you can acquire nutrient D through a supplement, or from greasy fish, mackerel, or eggs and dairy items. Increasing the intake of Vitamin D in the body makes your immunity strong.
3. Try not to hold back on Sleeping
Longer days mean longer evenings, and the year’s end ordinarily includes more year-end capacities and get-togethers. Climate can likewise make dozing awkward. In any case, don’t disregard your shuteye — adequate rest is significant for the immune system to work systematically. Additionally, ensure your room is appropriately ventilated and at the correct temperature for soothing rest.
4. Start taking a Probiotic
Probiotics are good bacteria that help preserve the digestive system and improve the immune system of the body. You can consume good bacteria from food sources like yogurt available in summers. Idli, Dosa, Rabdi, Dhokla, and Lassi are some fermented food easily available in India and are a good source of probiotic bacteria that helps in building your immunity. They slow down the growth of harmful gut bacteria in the body and boost your immune system.
5. Establish Exercise routine
Regular exercise has been shown numerous benefits to the functioning of the immune system. Exercising helps in flushing out bacteria from the lungs and airways and reduces the chance of getting sick. A morning exercise schedule could help you to stay more focused and energized throughout the day.