7 Benefits of Probiotics Bacteria and what it does to your body

Made from live bacteria and yeasts that naturally live in our body, Probiotics are living microorganisms found in cultured foods. Our body has a mix of good and bad bacteria. The number of bad bacteria in our body increases when we fall sick or get infected, making our system out of balance. On the other hand Probiotics are made up of good bacteria and helps our body to be in a healthy state. These good bacteria help our body in many different ways including better immune function, protection against hostile bacteria to prevent infection and help you feel better.
How Probiotics helps your body?
Our body consists of millions of bacteria, which are present everywhere in our body including the gut, mouth, and skin. In regular or “healthy” conditions, the good bacteria in the gut outnumber the bad ones. Probiotics may act as intestinal-beneficial bacteria that build a physical shield against unfriendly bacteria. Probiotics can also help offset the bacterial disruption caused by the use of antibiotics.
Antibiotics kill healthy bacteria along with bad ones, often contributing to cramping, gas, diarrhoea. Potential probiotic effects have been used in the treatment or mitigation of multiple diseases such as diarrhoea, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease. Probiotics may help to break down proteins and fats in the intestinal tract — a valuable benefit for infants, toddlers or patients who need to build strength after illness.
Live probiotic cultures are often found in fermented dairy products and foods such as-
— yogurts & milk drinks
-pickled vegetables,
-sauerkraut &
-soy products
Major health benefits linked to probiotics:
1. As Probiotics include “good” bacteria, they helps in balancing the bacteria in our digestive system
2. An increasing number of studies relate intestinal health to mental health, thus probiotics may result in improving mental health conditions.
3. Probiotics may help lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and blood pressure in your body, and keeps your heart healthy.
4. Probiotics can help prevent and treat diarrhea. Diarrhea is one of a side effect of taking antibiotics as they can negatively affect the balance of bacteria in our gut.
5. Probiotics can help reduce symptoms of certain digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
6. Probiotics inhibits the growth of harmful gut bacteria and help boost your immune system. A healthy gut means a healthy immune system.
7. Some probiotics prevent the absorption of dietary fat in the intestine and thus may help you lose weight and belly fat.
Probiotics can also be consumed in the form of powders, capsules and tablets that contains the bacteria in dried form. If you wish to enjoy all of the beneficial effects mentioned above, it is necessary to consume adequate amounts.