Good food, Good Bacteria and Sound Immune System

Before we start discussing the tenets of good food for sound immunity, it’s a good idea to understand what immunity is in the first place. Immunity, in a layman’s language, is the capacity of our body to protect against any infection or disease. Now the next question that might be popping up in your mind is how the immunity is built and who builds it at all. There are two things that play a cardinal role in making your immunity strong — good food and good bacteria. Good foods for immunity provide the necessary vitamins that good bacteria in our gut can easily break so that we get access to more nutrients. Hence, the intake of good food is indispensable to build a strong immune system. To find the answer to your next question as to what food we should eat to build a strong immune system, consider reading further.
Include whole Foods in your Diet
The first thing to consider in good foods for immunity is to add the whole foods in your diet. The food you take should necessarily be rich in vitamins like A, C, D and E. Make sure you consume nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes too. Additionally, avoid taking fried foods, processed meats, processed baked goods, edibles with artificial sweeteners and refined sugar.
Spice up your Food
You can consider spicing up your food to make your immune system sound to face the harsh winters that come with the threat of too many infections and bad bacteria invasions. To find foods for immunity and eat the best of it, you can consider cooking your food with garlic, ginger, onion, cayenne pepper, black peppercorn, allspice and turmeric. Regular intake of food thus cooked and use of green tea will help you boost up the immune system.
Eat Fruits & Vegetables more
It’s a known fact that fresh fruits and vegetable have no alternative as long as you want to remain healthy, energetic and keep up your immune system. Therefore, it is advised to eat fruits like watermelon, pomegranate, berries, kiwi, orange, cherry and other seasonal fruits to make the good bacteria in your stomach happy. The abundance of fibre in your foods for immunity and lack of fried food will help build good bacteria and remain lean. Also, eat spinach, sweet potato, wheat germ, broccoli, mushroom and dark green vegetables too often to provide your body with necessary nutrients.
Add more Probiotic in your Gut
It’s a proven fact that a healthy gut simply means a sound immune system. Therefore, other than the regular intake of nutrition-rich food and vegetables, you should also focus on your digestion. For that, keeping your gastrointestinal tract populated with helpful gut bacteria, aka good bacteria, is a must. Accordingly, your foods for immunity should have low fat but high-fibre. Some foods that are a good source of probiotics include miso, kombucha and sauerkraut.
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