How to improve Gut Health & Boost Immunity

Not many people are aware about, but our gut plays significant role for our overall health. The complexity of gut describes the function and balance of good and bad bacteria in gastrointestinal tract. Body organs such as Stomach and Intestine helps in digesting the food we eat, however all food intake is ultimately broken down in our gut before entering the bloodstream. It turns nutrients into things which later body can use for its purposes.
Gut microbiota consist of about 40 trillion good and bad bacteria that lives inside human body, hugely responsible for overall health. Escherichia coli (Ecoli) or Staphylococcus (staph) falls under bad bacteria category. In addition, “bad” bacteria are comparatively small in number than good bacteria. Bad bacteria are capable of making you sick if they outnumber good bacteria in the gut. Good bacteria come into action as soon as the opposition gain majority. Also, fight bad bacteria to make sure they don’t exceed above 15%.
How to Improve Gut Health & boost immunity?
Improving gut isn’t any rocket science. You just need to individually take care of certain things and be disciplined throughout. Largely, the food you throw inside your body is foremost responsible for the type of bacteria that reside inside your microbiota. So, here are few things you should keep in mind when your goal is to improve gut health overall –
1) Intake of Diverse food –
Our gut microbiota contains multiple species of bacteria, these different species have their own role to play for human health which requires a number of nutrients for its growth. One should include rich food having different plant sources. High fiber food aid improves overall gut health, include peas, oats, bananas, and beans. Garlic and onion must be there in your diet. It enhances the immunity system and has anti-cancer properties as well.
2) Include Probiotics in your diet –
Probiotics are living microorganisms that provide a health benefits to the host. Helps in maintaining a proper balance of Bad and Good bacteria in our gut. It is often regarded as beneficial bacteria that boost immunity as well. Probiotics often help in improving digestion and maintaining a healthy digestive system. Many probiotics drinks are also available in the market through which one can take full advantage of.
3) Lower Stress & adequate Sleep –
Any sort of chronic level of stress affects our entire body including gut health as well. One must lower down their stress level in order to maintain overall wellness. Getting enough sleep has multiple benefits; from improved gut health to less stress eventually enhanced wellness. Nothing matches a well relaxed body and well-slept person. Everything falls under bracket and things get your way.
Least to say, not just digestion and immunity improving gut has many aspects of health benefits. Follow the above instruction and you’d soon see a noticeable change in your body.