Why to Include Probiotics in Your Diet

Bacteria is mostly seen in a negative manner that make us sick. But do you know there are two kind of bacteria — good and bad bacteria in our body. In fact, our body weighs around more than 1.5kg bacteria. Probiotics are good bacteria that live naturally in your body. When we become sick bad bacteria increases and there is imbalance of gut flora. Good bacteria helps eliminate extra bad bacteria, returning the balance. Probiotic-supplements is a good medium to increases the number of good bacteria in our digestion system
The major function of Good bacteria is to maintain a healthy balance of gut flora in your body and thus keeping it neutral. When we are sick, bad bacteria enter in our body and its number increases and hence there is imbalance of good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria help in fighting with bad bacteria and restore the balance within and this helps in keeping you healthy. As about 70% of immunity lies in the intestine and a healthy balance of good and bacteria keep your digestion in a better state. A healthy digestive system automatically helps in keeping your immunity better!
Below are the advantages’ of Probiotic
1. It helps in keeping your digestion better
2. It helps in keeping your immunity better
3. It helps in preventing digestive order
4. Helps in absorption of essential nutrients
5. Breakdown and absorb medications.
However, there are many type of bacteria that may be considered as Probiotics these include
1. Lactobacillus.
2. Bifidobacterium.
Difference between Probiotics V/S Antiobiotics
Antibiotics are drugs that destroy the harmful bacteria or organisms that cause infections. However, intake of antibiotics tends to deplete the good bacteria as well from our body. Avoid taking unnecessary antibiotics and if you are taking them, include Probiotics in your diet as it helps to restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and confer a health benefit on the host.
Some of the health disorders that might be treated by taking Probiotics supplement
1. Constipation
2. Diarrhea
3. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
4. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
5. Yeast Infection
6. Gum Disease
8. Eczema
There is lots of Probiotics food available, so you can include a few or many as you like into your diet.
Below are few examples to add probiotic foods in your diet
1. Add Yogurt, berries, nuts with yogurt and enjoy in breakfast
2. Stir tempeh and stir fry it. It is also a good to add tempeh in the end of the cooking as heat can destroy the active culture
3. Enjoy probiotic rich beverages such as kefir or kombucha
Also, it is suggested to avoid flavor yogurt as it contain added sugar, opt for natural yogurt as it is free from artificial colour & sweetener