Your Checklist to Increase Immunity

While a struggling immunity is at the forefront of health issues with lasting implications, there are simple yet effective strategies to boost immunity. Let’s run you through your best options.
Sleep tight
If deprived of a sound sleep, the body develops stress. The combination of sleep deficiency and stress results in an increase of hormone cortisol, which is an immune suppressant. So, anyone serious about increasing Immunity is required to sleep at least 6 hours a day.
Less on sugar
Let’s admit it; sugar delights our taste buds but wreaks havoc with the immune system. Besides causing diabetes, excessive sugar intake interferes with the functions of white blood cells, leaving them ineffective to neutralize or exterminate pathogens. Staying away from high sugar content and preferring natural sweeteners is the way to go for a healthy immune aspirant.
Limit alcohol intake
If you are given to drinking, it’s time to do away with the abhorrent practice to achieve stronger immunity. Alcohol is detrimental to cytokines, a type of immune cells that prepares the body for a response against infection. Scientific studies continue to uncover that alcoholics are more vulnerable to medical conditions like cancer, tuberculosis and more vis-à-vis sobers.
Quit Smoking
Smoking is a health hazard, no two ways about it. The chemicals in tobacco impair blood vessels and limit blood circulation, leaving you to feel exhausted for the most part of the day. Smoke also damages certain tissues in the mouth that are meant to ward off infection naturally.
Ingest Live Bacteria
On the face value, this seems to be an absurd idea. However, it works, as millions of users worldwide will testify. Just get your daily dose of Probiotic drinks and steer clear of metabolic, genital and mental conditions that surface due to a compromised, struggling gut.
Work out
The level of physical exertion also determines your immune health. Whenever you hit the gym, take a jog or indulge in any other form of physical exertion, the body produces leukocytes in optimal numbers that safeguard you against infections.